(OLD THREAD) Night of the Living Thread: Now with more cowbell.

Welcome to the new and improved Pandemonium in the Garden! Now with more cowbell! Accept no substitutes. The people have spoken, and their voices were heard. There will be no separate watch party threads. Johnny Cocaine reiterated a point that I started thinking about more seriously, and that was the issue of interrupting conversation flow by moving to a different thread for a few hours. I get it. My idea works better when it's a bigger site, where some people might want to stay and chat about general topics, and others might want to focus on the show they're watching. And since the traffic didn't exactly skyrocket right outta the gate, then errbody in the main thread was actually like minded and discussed all of the same things anyway. So here we are. One thread, fridge is in the mancave so you don't have to go to the kitchen for a beer, that sort of thing. The only separate thread will be for ppv predictions. So let's get this place back on track, moving f...