
Showing posts from October 13, 2024

MAIN THREAD: Books! And, of course, general discussion

 So the conversation direction led me to this week's general topic of books. Reminder: this is just the general blog topic.  Discuss anything else in the room as well.  With that little piece of business (oh noez, a certain lurker hates when I use that term... 😆) out of the way, on to the subject at hand. The importance of books really doesn't need much explanation. Whether it be works of fiction, informative, true life, whatever, the written word has been a staple of civilization and history for millenia, no matter the medium (tablets, scrolls, etc). Why, even at a young age we're taught (or used to be taught) the values of reading.  I used to read a lot more than I do now, but I still like to grab a good book from time to time. I also have a nice collection of tomes to dig into when the urge arises.  I also like to peruse magazines and comic books. One genre that I'm into is, naturally, pro wrestling autobiographies. Listening to the journey a certain person has went