(OLD THREAD) Obsessive AEW Hate and General Discussion Thread

Non stop obsessive AEW hate. I know you've seen it. AEW does something for attention, signs a new talent, has a crazy spot in a match, or basically just exists in general. And all the giggly, school yard trolls and haters come out of the woodwork like hillbillies during their local annual festival time. It doesn't matter how long they've watched WWE, or if they've had just done something similar. The hate utters forth regardless. AEW does a fire spot. They'll say it's "dangerous and stupid", even if they've oohed and aahed over the Fiend doing one with Randy Orton. Or Kane and Undertaker doing it multiple times. Adam Copeland jumps off a cage. They'll say it's unnecessary and stupid. Shane McMahon would like a word. So would...