Old Thread: Beans: A Versatile Superfood! And general discussion.

Beans are considered a “superfood” because they are one of the most nutritious foods you can eat. The site I got that quote from actually has a tremendously informative article about beans, so I won't try to outdo them. Here's the link: https://www.umassmed.edu/nutrition/Cardiovascular/handouts/beans/ One good thing about most beans - like kidney, black, lentils, or pinto, for example - is that you can cook them until they're soft enough and incorporate them into other dishes, like casseroles for instance. (Or just add them, in the case of green beans.) They're also used in drinks, coffee being the main one, and even everybody's favorite dessert flavors, chocolate and vanilla. But why would somebody consider beans racist? Yes, I get that the name of the food, combined with "er", is a racially derogatory slur. But other than that? No. I even verified with a Google search, in case I missed the memo. If you call somebody a bean "h...