OLD THREAD: Anime (sigh) and All General Discussion

Well, the day has finally arrived. This non-anime watcher is posting an anime thread. We have a number of anime watchers on the site, one of whom was introduced to it right'chere at PiTG, so I figured it was time to give 'em their own thread. Anime is a plentiful genre these days. It was present in the 80s, gained traction in the 90s, and built from there, and it's pretty mainstream now. There's even a disturbing amount of X-rated anime out there with a cult following behind it. In the 80s you had things like Voltron and Robotech, and even Transformers and Gobots, and more, in the kids' arena. But you also had things like the groundbreaking adult oriented Akira movie being released. The 90s saw things like Pokémon and Digimon and even the live action Power Rangers and more come to the forefront. You saw the anime influence becoming more prevalent. Things like Ninja Scroll, Princess Mononoke, Cowboy Bebop, and Neon Genesis Evangelion and mo...