
Showing posts from January 26, 2025

OLD THREAD: Conspiracy Theories and General Discussion

 Well, it's time to throw on our tin foil hats and delve into the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories usually involve some sort of outlandish explanation for some kind of situation or event.   A couple of official definitions are "a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators" and "a theory asserting that a secret of great importance is being kept from the public".  Area 51, 9-11 conspiracies, the moon landing being faked, the New World Order, the JFK assassination, Elvis faking his death, Plum Island, Oak Island, and the Illuminati are some of the more popular ones. However, some conspiracy theories have ended up being true, such as the Business Plot and Watergate.  This is a link to a list of 11 conspiracy theories that ended up being true. So what a...

OLD THREAD: Anime Themes/Music and General Discussion.

 With the popularity of the anime thread, I figured I'd continue (milk) the momentum and do an anime theme song/music thread. Now this is a completely alien topic to me, so I had to do my due diligence in looking things up for this one.  I mean, sure, I could've been lazy and just thrown out the Pokémon theme, OG Transformers theme, Voltron, and a couple others all willy nilly, but you deserve better! Plus, since anime seems to have music steeped into the genre that is just as memorable as the stories themselves, I knew I had to at least look into some of the more popular ones (even if I didn't necessarily delve into listening to them myself).   So here are some of the top anime tunes (according to 1) A Cruel Angel's Thesis: Evangelion 2) Idol (Oshi no Ko)  3) The Voltes V Song (Voltes V) 4) Unravel (Tokyo Ghoul) 5) Kick Back (Chainsaw Man) 6) Blue Bird (Naruto Shippuden) 7) SPECIALZ (Jujutsu Kaisen) 8) We Are! (One Piece) 9) Again (Fullmetal Alc...