OLD THREAD: It's Christmas Time! And General Discussion

Well, it's the week of Christmas, so it's time for the main Christmas thread! Christmas is my favorite holiday, by far. I still love the ideal of the "Christmas spirit", good will towards humankind, the special emotional feeling and positive attitude of the season, all the things that a number of people seem to have lost sight of. The atmosphere of peace on earth in general still resonates with me during this magical time of year. Decorations, Christmas lights, food, presents, family coming together, being kinder to strangers, the music, the movies, the wonder, the spirit of giving, all of it is just a great thing to be a part of. We also cannot forget the reason for the season (even though the time of year has long been debated), the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Sure, maybe the story around it and the timeframe is contested, but to those nitpickers and naysayers I say "Bah, humbug". Let it stand for what it stands for. Anywho, there are many traditi...