OLD THREAD: The Unexplained and Supernatural (and general conversation).
This is the thread you've all been waiting for! (Even though you could've discussed this topic at at any time. ๐). Myyysteries and the soooopernatural..... Oogie boogie!
There are so many categories of these types of things. From mythological creatures such as Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, Yeti, Chupacabra, etc, to aliens and UFOs, to unexplained physical and mental phenomena such as deja vu, a 6th sense, or near death experiences.
One major category of the supernatural is hauntings, ghosts, and the paranormal. These are not only the source of local folklore wherever you go in the world, but a major subject of interest in the film and television industry.
So let's go down the rabbit hole, shall we? Out of body experiences, reincarnation, mysterious disappearances, local hauntings or unexplained phenomena, whatever your choice may be, let's see who can tell the creepiest story that makes your skin crawl or even makes you question the world around you.
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