OLD THREAD: Old school video games, board games, and general discussion
So I decided to lump board games together with old school video games. Why? Why the fuck not.
When I mention "old school" video games, I'm talking old school. As in Sega Genesis, original NES, Super NES, N64, Atari, ColecoVision, Intellivision, PS1. PS2, tops.
So many awesome games to discuss, like Super Mario. Duck Hunt. Bubble Bobble. Gauntlet. Tetris. Rampage. Pac Man. Donkey Kong. Asteroids. Dig Dug. Burgertime. Pitfall. Frogger. Qbert. Mappy. PGA Tour 96. Sonic. Mario Golf. Just to name a few.

Moving on to board games (for our more older heads), there are so many great games that have been played over the years and still are. Monopoly, Sorry, Trouble, Trivial Pursuit, Chutes and Ladders, Scrabble. Checkers. Chess. Connect Four. Uncle Wiggily.
Speaking of chess, I would be remiss not to mention Hnefatafl, a viking chess game that SciFi Jim just recently mentioned in our thread.
This genre of games can even include things like Yahtzee, Dominoes, and Uno, because they are in person, tabletop played games.
What were your favorite games to play as a kid? As an adult? What brings back good memories, or might have been a pleasant surprise to find out about and play in more recent times?
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