Pi$$maker had a great thread idea, and I'm gonna add just a little bit to it.  Travel experiences, favorite places to visit, and places you'd like to go.

This should be a fun topic. Just remember this is only the general blog topic, discuss anything else as well.

So I guess I'll start with a little of mine. My family and I have family in Chicago.  As a kid it was fun going to visit on vacation in the summertime every year.  Back then it was Santa's Village, Showbiz Pizza, downtown, Chinatown, White Castle, places like that. It's also where I had my only WWE ice cream bars, which I got from the classic ice cream truck. 

Most recently, it was Florida.  I've always loved tropical themes when I saw them on tv and stuff.  Loved summer hated winter.  So when I visited Florida for the first time, I loved it but also hated that I waited so long to do it. It was my place, and I realized I'd always know it but never made it happen.  Now I'm determined.  I lived in VA Beach for a time and that was nice, but it was nothing like Florida.

As a film and tv buff I've always wanted to visit Hollywood.  See Beverly Hills, that sort of thing. Should've done that when it was more fun.  I'd love to check out Vegas, also. 

I did get to do the New Orleans Bourbon St drinking, bead throwing, and boobs thing and that was awesome.  I even had hotel balcony sex there, that was cool.  Oops, here I go being a sex pest again! 

Check out the pic, Larry Flint's Hustler Club. I still have an ashtray and matchbook I "liberated" from there in the early 2000s.

So what's your poison? Where have you enjoyed visiting? Living? Where'd you like to go? What kind of experiences have you had? 


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