OLD THREAD: Video games! And general discussion

 So this week's general thread topic is video games. We will just discuss them in general, from Pong to Minecraft, but I'm gonna add a question . If you had to pick only 10 games to play for the rest of your days, what would they be? 

Moving on, video games have evolved at a fast pace over the years. I remember playing pong at a young age, and I was a big fan of Pac-Man, Qbert, Donkey Kong, Pitfall, Frogger, Asteroids, Night Stalker, Burgertime, Dig Dug, Moon Patrol, among others. 

Later on, Zelda, Super Mario Bros, Street Fighter, Double Dragon, Gauntlet, Ninja Gaiden, Altered Beast, Castlevania, Rampage, Contra, Mike Tyson's Punch Out, WWF Wrestlefest, Sonic, PGA Tour '96 (yes, I played the shit out of this with my buddies), Mario Golf, stuff like that was my jam. 

I got away from video games when first person shooters came around, specifically Goldeneye. I didn't like the change, so I gradually fazed out of the genre. I'd play a game here and there, but for the most part that was the beginning of the end.  

A couple notable modern games I've played are the Lego games (Batman was the first), and Terraria. I played the shit out of Terraria, and got a long way into the game. Couldn't beat those damn holiday event things, though. Got close a couple times. I like the concept of Minecraft, but never could get into playing it. 

But enough of my yakkin'. Let's hear what games are near and dear to your hearts. And, of course, discuss anything else within reason. 


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