OLD THREAD: Thanksgiving! And General Discussion
Thank Jim for reminding me I hadn't done a Thanksgiving specific thread. Thanks, Jim!
So the Google AI overview gives a nice little history of Thanksgiving. It actually has a long history that can be traced back to harvest festivals celebrated by Native Americans and the Pilgrims.
Before Europeans arrived in the Americas, Native Americans celebrated harvests with dances and rituals, such as the Green Corn Dance of the Cherokees. Then, in 1621, the Wampanoag people and the Plymouth colonists shared a harvest feast in what is considered the first Thanksgiving. The feast celebrated an abundant harvest of wild turkeys, duck, geese, fish, corn, green vegetables, and dried fruits.
Even before the Pilgrim's celebration, Europeans held several Thanksgiving services in America, including one in Newfoundland in 1578 and another in Jamestown in 1610.
Then, in 1863, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day to be held each November. The holiday's date was changed to the fourth Thursday in November in 1942.
So, while Thanksgiving has evolved over time, the tradition of sharing a meal and reflecting on what one is grateful for is the common theme that has remained constant. Turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, stuffing, rolls, sweet potatoes (yuck), vegetables, pumpkin pie (meh), and all kinds of other goodies are prepared and shared with family and friends.
The "feel good" symbolism of Native Americans and Pilgrims sitting around happy and grateful for each other has been debunked in recent times, and I personally never did go for all that symbolism myself. But I do appreciate and respect the basic ideals of giving thanks, being grateful for what you have, and coming together with loved ones.
So talk about the holiday, your favorite memories, foods, and, of course, any other general topic you like. And Happy Thanksgiving!
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