OLD THREAD: It's Time for a New Year! And General Discussion
Well, it's time for the New Year's thread!
Time to say goodbye to 2024 and welcome in 2025. It's definitely going to be an interesting one, to say the least.
New Year's Day is another time of year with a special, magical feeling. It's a time to celebrate the previous year (or celebrating its end, depending on how it went), and the hopes and dreams that the new year might hold. It's a time for the traditional Times Square countdown and giant ball drop, as well as yet another reason to congregate and consume mass quantities of alcohol.
It is symbolically depicted by Father Time and Baby New Year, and represents the ushering in of a new year's dawn and the hope that better things are on the horizon. It's also a time to make new year's resolutions in order to hopefully improve as a person. (I can think of a few people out in Disqusland who could use that kind of improvement.)
Moving on, I would be remiss if I didn't address the elephant in the room. This year we're starting off with a new President elect, one Donald Trump. The public unanimously showed it was tired of the way the old regime, tired enough to re-elect a man who a number of people have bashed relentlessly in the past (and a number of still do).
He obviously has his work cut out for him, and will have to work extra hard to prove it was the right decision, but I guess we'll see how it plays out on January 6th. I'll refrain from any lengthy political narration, but it's definitely an important event in our current time that needed mentioning.
So what does the New Year mean to you? Do you watch the festivities on the tube, get together at home with friends and family, go out to a local watering hole and celebrate in public, or a combination of things? Do you have a personal tradition you keep? Any new year's resolutions? Chat about all this and more in this here thread.
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